Cookie Consent by FreePrivacyPolicy.comKamil Stachowiak - Enterprise Architect | Digital Transformation Consultant

TOGAF® 9 Certified Enteprise Architect AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associated

About Me

I am Kamil Stachowiak.

TOGAF® Certified Enterprise Architect | AWS Certified Solutions Architect | Consultant | Digital Transformation | Domain Driven Design | Microservices | Agile Project Management.

A domain-centric Enterprise Architect, taking technology as a tool to bring the business value. Proud practitioner of Domain Driven Design methodologies in day-to-day work. I tend to look for bridges between business and tech specialists and strongly believe, the right approach to technical topics is a communication door-opener for business stakeholders (including C-level). that leads to perfect solutions to their problems.

Contact Me

Enterprise Architecture (TOGAF)

Change Management

Digital Strategy

Amazon Web Services (AWS)


.NET Core (C#)

SOLID Principles

Coding standandards


Relational Databases

No-Sql Databases

Code Reviews

My certification

What I do?

Enterprise & Solution architecture

Design and delivery of distributed and non-distributed enterprise class IT systems, on-premise and in the cloud. Migration of existing systems from on-premise into cloud. Development of the Enterprise Architecture.

Legacy Systems Modernization

Creating plans and implementation of refactoring techniques for legacy systems with minimal-to-zero business downtime, maintaining delivery of business value during the refactoring process.

Agile Progect Management

Managing multi-cultural and multi-national technical teams, to deliver the business value. Working with SCRUM / Kanban

Digital Transformation Consulting

Helping individuals and companies to go through the Digital Transformation Process. Addressing customer's tech and business needs.

Stakeholders Facilitation

Facilitation of the meetings with stakeholders of various kinds to help them understand their needs better. Helping to buld bridges between tech and business stakeholders.


Implementation of Domain Driven Design methodologies with stakeholders using methodologies like Event Storming, to make sure the tech team is not diverting from the real business needs.

My Experience

Objectivity sp. z o. o.


Chapter Leader Solution Architect

Extended responsibilites to a Chapter Leader level of both Developers and Architects.

Team Leader Solution Architect

Extended responsibilities as a Leader of Architects.

Solution Architect

Responsible for finding solutions to multiple business problems for our Clients. Translating a high level business needs into a technical jargon. Preparing a designs of the solutions (cloud and on-premise), overseeing the implementation and delivery process. Supporting any emergency situations at the PROD systems. Involved in BID, Discovery and Delivery phases of projects.

Topcashback Limited


Solution Architect

Responsible for finding the higher level solutions based in AWS Cloud. Working closely with business stakeholders, CEO and company Founders. I was driving also process of refactoring of the legacy application to modern tech-stack.

Tech Lead

Leading the team delivering website to multiple world-wide locations: UK, USA, China, India. Responsible for organizing work of the team as well as finding the low level technical approach for development.

TouchIT Software Kamil Stachowiak


Founder / Developer

Involved in creation of some simple company websites, with usage of .NET. I’ve also supported CEO of NTConsult Company, in creation of web oriented mobile application using the browser storage and synchronization mechanisms.

NTConsult Systemy Informatyczne sp. z o. o.


Software Developer

Worked on a multiple projects supporting German Healthcare System. Built on a .NET (1.1, 2.0) framework, Windows Forms, MSSQL database systems.



Architectural Drivers - Signposts on the road to project success

Date: 28.10.2021 | Language: PL | 4-developers

Architectural Drivers - Signposts on the road to project success

Date: 15.12.2021 | Language: PL | Wrocławskie Dni Informatyki | Video

Get in touch

+48 664081515

Wrocław, Poland